Workshop on Material recycling and circular economy



One day Workshop on Wednesday September 21, 2022
Warsaw University of Technology - Room 206

in the frame of E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting in Warsaw (Poland)


LATEST NEWS: All the presentations can be downloaded HERE



Free of charge. Open to all participants of the 2022 E-MRS Fall Meeting


Chairman of the working group:

Jacques Amouroux, E-MRS, Amaya Igartua, EUMAT Co-secretary, Tekniker, Malek Benmansour, CEA, Juan Ramon Morante, IREC, Jan Meveve, Circular Economy working group EUMAT (VITO), Paul Siffert, E-MRS coordinator.


Goal and strategy:

Recycling is becoming an international challenge for the economic competition using materials. Today, the treatment of the waste materials needs new processes and new education because the knowledge of deconstruction of our complex multilayers materials become much more complicated than expected. Our workshop has as objective to identify some important fields of development in agreement with the EC policy and open a new knowledge with industrial developments;


Preliminary agenda - Wednesday September 21:


09.00-09.30   General introduction from the data of ACS Materials and recycling
Jacques Amouroux, E-MRS
09.30-10.00   The Materials Manifesto Roadmap & challenges in circular economy.
Activities in recycling - Amaya Igartua, TEKNIKER, EUMAT
10:00-10:30   Challenges for a sustainable green deal approach
Rodrigo Ferrao de Paiva Martins, CEMOP, UNINOVA
10.30-10.45     Coffee break
10.45-11.15   Circular business models for the solar power industry
Bart Mantels, VITO
11.15-11.45   Green materials for a green hydrogen circular economy
Anke Weidenkaff, Andrea Gassmann, Emanuel Ionesco and Eva Brouwer
Leistungszentrum Wasserstoff Fraunhofer IWKS and TU Darmstadt
11.45-12.15   Recovery of high purity silicon from PV waste via a new chemical method
Matyas Torok, Bay Zoltan, Budapest, Hungary
12.15-12.40   First round table on circular economy and recycling
12.40-13.50   Lunch time
    Session 2:  Carbon recycling and material recycling: a challenge
13.50-14.00   Brief introduction
14.00-14.30   Carbon recycling from CO2 to Hydrocarbon through Plasma catalysis
Vincent Piepiora and Maria Mikhael, Start Up Energy green Chimie Paris
14.30-15.00   Antimony recycling from new scientific proposals and industrial development
Frederic Rousseau and Morvan Gaudin, Chimie Paris tech PSL
15.00-15.30   Catalytic materials to improve Carbon recycling of municipal waste with
energy recovery and circular carbon economy
J.R Morante, IREC
15.30-16.00   Circular economy on Lithium-ion batteries
A. Martinez, F. Clarens, Eurecat

Main conclusions and round table: economic aspects and environmental challenges
Chairs: Jacques Amouroux and Amaya Igartua
- Results and proposals for technical aspects for carbon recycling as a raw material
- Energy and water consumption during recycling processes
- Education proposals and international meetings with ICSU for an exchange of knowledge and the opening of a new discipline
- New international diploma for a global education including chemical engineering economic data ,water consumption and environmental knowledge

16.45-17.15   General conclusions and recommendations
Paul Siffert, Amaya Igartua, Rodrigo Ferrao de Paiva Martins

Conference Chairpersons

Calle Ignacio Goenaga, 5, 20600 Eibar, Spain
Jacques AMOUROUXUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie

ENSCP / PSL, Paris, France