Practical information


All practical information to simplify your experience: contact address, bank details, abstract submission, publication, registration, cancellation, etc ...


Conference secretariat:

BP 20
F-67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Tel.: +33 3 88 10 63 72

Address for express mail:
E-MRS Headquarters
Campus CNRS
Building 50
23 rue du Loess
67200 Strasbourg – France

Contact person:
P. Siffert +33 (0)3 88 10 63 72

SIRET n°:      382 390 292 00011
APE code:   9499Z


Abstract Submission:

Deadline for abstract submission: January 31, 2022.

Abstract Length: submissions are limited to 3.000 characters (including spaces, only plain text, no figures, no formulae...). Conference language is english.

Note: All abstracts must be submitted via the E-MRS website
Submitting abstracts via the E-MRS website is easy and convenient. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the template, making sure that complete mailing address information is included for the presenting and contact authors. After submitting your abstract, please use your Control ID number in all communications with E-MRS regarding the abstract UNTIL a paper number (e.g., A-IV.8) is later assigned.

Because major revisions may affect a symposium organizer’s decision to accept your abstract, please review it carefully before submission. In the unusual circumstance of having to revise your original abstract, the online submission center enables authors to revise their abstracts up to and including the submission deadline of January 31. After that date, the change must be submitted to: (Subject: Abstract Revision) and must include your Control ID number. Please state exactly where the revisions are located (e.g., title, author, body, etc.).

Papers will be selected by the scientific committee of each symposium.

Authors will be notified of acceptance and mode of presentation by March 10, 2022 at the latest.


General information:

The 2022 E-MRS SPRING MEETING will be held from 30 May to 3 June 2022 in a form of virtual conference.

The conference format will be a combination of asynchronous and synchronous modes. The conference papers and posters will be pre-recorded and all authors will be requested to send their recorded presentations by 16 May 2022, using the upload link which will be provided by event organiser. This will help us alleviate the challenges related to time differences between the continents as well as prevent technical issues during the Meeting. The pre-recorded talks will be than played from the videos during a time-slot for a certain session. A live Q&A and discussion will follow the display of the presentations videos.

Few days before the event all participants will be provided with a link to access the event platform (PINE Tool) in the invitation e-mail sent from PINE. All participants will be asked to set-up an account to access the sessions, providing e-mail address and creating a password.

All sessions (both plenaries and parallel) will be organized using PINE Tool.

Should you need further assistance as far as your presentation preparation is concerned, please contact our technical staff at


Invited presentations (30 min):

The invited presentations will be pre-recorded and all authors will be requested to send their recorded presentations within the deadline given below. During the conference each session will be allocated time in the programme for displaying the pre-recorded presentations. This will be followed by the live Q&A and discussion, moderated by session chair. Speakers will be asked to take active part in their session to address the questions and participate in the discussion. Please note that it will not be possible to present the presentation live. Technical support will play the relevant videos from the uploaded pre-recorded talks.

Few days before the event all participants will be provided with a link to access the event platform (PINE Tool) in the invitation e-mail sent from PINE. All participants will be asked to set-up an account to access the sessions, providing e-mail address and creating a password.

Download the Guidelines for Authors - INVITED


Oral presentations (15 min):

The oral presentations will be pre-recorded and all authors will be requested to send their recorded presentations within the deadline given below. During the conference each session will be allocated time in the programme for displaying the pre-recorded presentations. This will be followed by the live Q&A and discussion, moderated by session chair. Speakers will be asked to take active part in their session to address the questions and participate in the discussion. Please note that it will not be possible to present the presentation live. Technical support will play the relevant videos from the uploaded pre-recorded talks.

Few days before the event, all participants will be provided with a link to access the event platform (PINE Tool) in the invitation e-mail sent from PINE. All participants will be asked to set-up an account to access the sessions, providing e-mail address and creating a password.

Download the Guidelines for Authors - ORAL


Poster presentations (3 min):

Posters will be either in a form of pre-recorded movies or PNG / JPEG graphic files. All authors will be requested to send their file within the deadline given below. During the conference poster session will be allocated time in the programme for displaying the pre-recorded presentations or graphics. Authors will be able to address the questions posted on chat by the interested attendees.

Few days before the event all participants will be provided with a link to access the event platform (PINE Tool) in the invitation e-mail sent from PINE. All participants will be asked to set-up an account to access the sessions, providing e-mail address and creating a password.

Download the Guidelines for Authors - POSTER



  • March 10: Authors will be notified of abstract / paper acceptance and mode of the presentation by 10 March 2022 at the latest.
  • May 16: The deadline for uploading presentations is 16 May 2022 (for invited, contributed presentation and poster presentations). Instructions, as presented above, will be sent after the abstract / paper acceptance letters are sent.


Conference time zone:

PROGRAM TIME IS CEST (Paris: UTC+2) - please take in consideration the Paris time zone.


Manuscripts and proceedings:       

Depending on the symposium, a selection of full length papers will be published as special issues in appropriate journals. Submitted papers will be refereed to journals standards. Instructions to authors will be dispatched together with the notification of acceptance of the abstract.

The decision of which journals shall publish the symposia proceedings will be made jointly by symposium organizers and journal editors. An announcement of these journals will be published on the concerned symposium webpage.


Conference language is English.


Registration fees:


Each attendee (including chairpersons, invited speakers, presenting authors, co-authors, scientific committee members....) must register online.

Registration starts at the end of the abstract submission period only. If you do not have an E-MRS account on our website, you need to create one before registering to the Spring Meeting.

Abstract acceptation does not mean registration: each author attending the conference must register separately.

    - Register by 11:59 pm, April 8, 2022: 290 €
    - Register April 9, 2022 or later: 330 €
  1. STUDENT RATE (Students have to give evidence of their university registration)
    - Register by 11:59 pm, April 8, 2022: 160 €
    - Register April 9, 2022 or later: 190 €

E-MRS is a non-profit organization, no subject to VAT.

If you register online, but do not pay your fees during the registration process, your registration will only be finalised once E-MRS has received your payment.


Payment of fees:

Payment should be made in EURO for the net total amount due.

The following possibilities are offered:

  • Credit card (Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard/ Mastercard) (mode preferred)
  • Bank transfer:
    Account: ASS E MRS
    IBAN: FR76 1470 7500 1111 1913 8543 942

Bank transfer: Watch to identify well your transfer by indicating your ID Number and your name and first name. In order to guarantee your participation, full payment must be made by May 24 at the latest.



In case the E-MRS conference is cancelled, the conference attendees will be entitled to claim the reimbursement of the registration fees.

In order to receive a refund, cancellation requests must be in writing and sent by May 24 which will cause a €25 processing fee. No refunds will be issued on requests postmarked after May 24.