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2024 Fall Meeting

Electronics, Photonics and Spintronics


Integration of advanced materials on silicon: from classical to neuromorphic and quantum applications

The symposium aims at gathering scientists working on monolithic and heterogeneous integrations of new materials, to enable additional functionalities on silicon-based platforms. Its originality lies in the fact that it considers both classical approaches and emerging topics linked to neuromorphic and quantum applications. The various research fields covered in the symposium pave the way towards highly functionalized Si-based technologies which address current and future challenges in our society.


The microelectronics industry has delivered faster and more efficient computing devices at a remarkably consistent pace for several decades. This has mostly been achieved by downscaling classical MOS transistors, which continuously provide improved performance and lower energy consumption for every new technology node. These advances have led to the development of high-performing personal computers and low-power mobile devices, which are nowadays affordable for the mass population.
More recently, the demand for high-performance devices and mass data transfer has soared, driven by new societal needs linked to the “Internet-of-things” and the growing demand for ultra-fast data communication and data transfer, cognitive systems and new computing paradigms, such as neuromorphic and quantum information processing. However, transistors cannot scale down indefinitely. Industrials are therefore looking beyond classic architectures and concepts to secure future generations of devices. Still, the best contenders are likely to be those that can be integrated with conventional silicon chip platforms.
Neuromorphic networks for example require dense arrays of interconnected devices, patterned on silicon using the processing know-how generated by the conventional industry. For quantum information science, silicon is also emerging as a promising route. Elementary silicon qubit devices have been demonstrated with high-fidelity operation, highlighting the potential of silicon-based quantum devices in terms of scalability and manufacturability. Programmable quantum circuits based on silicon photonics chips are currently extensively investigated. Even for emerging materials that are not yet widely used in the industry, like topological insulators, quantum-dots structures, and magnetic or superconducting materials, silicon could be a platform of choice for device integration.
Furthermore, novel materials are emerging as promising platforms for the realization of high-performance, silicon-integrated sensors and devices, following a more-than-Moore pathway. In this context, semiconductor quantum dots play a fundamental role due to their peculiar optoelectronic characteristics and thanks to their ease of synthesis, functionalization, and deposition on a variety of substrates. In the last decade, outstanding sensing performance has been achieved in different fields of application, from chemical sensing to SWIR and MWIR imaging obtained with CMOS-integrated devices.
The symposium aims at highlighting novel and innovative approaches that allow for monolithic and heterogeneous integration on silicon technology, targeting CMOS, application-specific integrated solutions (based on integrated photonics, neural networks, spintronic devices, etc.) or quantum systems. The scope includes the fundamental understanding of new material properties, the implementation of novel integration schemes, the modelling techniques and new application fields. The focus will be on the fabrication, characterization and simulation of materials considered non-standard for Si technology. Contributions related to innovative hetero-integration techniques, such as transfer and printing approaches, will be encouraged. Finally, particular attention will be given to devices and applications beyond current computation technologies that aim at addressing new computing paradigms such as quantum and neuromorphic computation. The productive interaction across disciplines will help materials scientists drive the exciting transition towards higher-value, highly functionalized Si-based microelectronics.

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

Material growth, characterization and simulation:
Group IV and compound semiconductors – from micro to nanoscale:

  • Group IV materials and alloys (SiGe, GeSn SiGeSn, etc.), III-V (AlN, ScN, GaN, GaSb, InP, InAs, etc.) and II-VI compound semiconductors grown or transferred on monocrystalline substrates or insulators.
  • Group IV and III-V quantum dots and nanowires integrated on Si.

2-dimensional materials:

  • Growth and transfer of Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and Boron Nitride on semiconductors, hybrid 2D/semiconductor devices.

Novel materials for Quantum applications

  • Semiconductor/Superconductor Interfaces, Topological insulators, Semiconductor Quantum Dot qubit Materials, purified 28Si, Spin qubit, Si/SiGe Heterostructures

Integration Techniques:
Advanced heteroepitaxy:

  • Selective growth on patterned substrates, epitaxial lateral overgrowth, self-assembly techniques, remote epitaxy.

Layer or device transfer:

  • µ-Transfer Printing, membrane transfer, jet printing.

2.5D & 3D integration (monolithic & heterogeneous)
Innovative synthesis & integration methods of materials and devices used for quantum systems

Data processing and communication:

  • Advanced CMOS scaling, single electron & single-photon devices, neuromorphic architectures, IOT, spintronics, ultra-low power & RF electronics, Integrated photonics, EPICs, IR and THz lasers.

Neuromorphic systems:

  • Bioinspired nanoelectronics or photonics, neural networks on chips, with possible use in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Quantum information science and emerging applications of quantum materials:

  • Quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum sensing.

Life-Sciences application and environmental sensors:

  • Semiconductor plasmonic, mid-infrared and THz sensing, gas sensors, integration with piezo-materials for MEMS-like sensors and opto-mechanics.

Imaging and industrial applications:

  • CMOS imaging at SWIR/MWIR/LWIR wavelengths, integrated spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging

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Symposium organizers
Andrea DE IACOVODepartment of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University

Via Vito Volterra 62, 00146, Rome
Jacopo FRIGERIOPhysics Department of Politecnico di Milano

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
Karoline STOLZELeibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung

Max-Born-Strasse 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Katarzyna HNIDA-GUT (Main organizer)IHP GmbH Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik

Im Technologiepark 25 15236 Frankfurt (Oder) Germany