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2019 Fall Meeting

Warning for Participants - IMPORTANT

The European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) has been made aware of service providers of the name Exhibition Housing Services (EHS), Travelion or Expo Planners, which have contacted a number of participants, citing the Congress, to offer hotel reservation services.

Please note that Exhibition Housing Services (EHS), Travelion or Expo Planners do not represent the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) nor Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), nor E-MRS or WUT have authorised them to use their names or trademarks on information they send out to participants.


The 2019 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit will be held in Warsaw University of Technology, from September 16 to 18 (exhibition) and September 16 to 19 (technical sessions).

The conference will consist of 22 parallel symposia with invited speakers, oral and poster presentations and a plenary session to provide an international forum for discussing recent advances in the field of materials science.

The conference will be augmented by an exhibition of products and services of interest to the conference participants.

This will be an exciting event which should not be missed! We look forward to welcoming you to Warsaw and your active contribution and participation in the conference.



Conference Secretariat:

Agnieszka Rytel
2018 E-MRS Fall Meeting Office
Phone: +48 22 2348794

September 16 - 19, 2019

Sunday, September 15th - 14:00 – 18:00 (registration only)
Monday, September 16th - 8:00 - 18:00
Tuesday, September 17th - 8:00 - 18:00
Wednesday, September 18th - 8:00 - 18:00
Thursday, September 19th - 8:00 - 18:00

Warsaw University of Technology

Central Campus - Warsaw University of Technology
Pl. Politechniki 1
00-661 Warsaw - Poland

Conference Chairpersons

Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE, U.K.
Eric FOGARASSYTélécom Physique Strasbourg

Boulevard Sébastien Brant - CS 10413 F - 67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex

+33 (0)6 84 17 07 18

Sauemerstrasse 4 CH-8803 Rueschlikon Switzerland

+41(0)44 724 8387
Małgorzata LEWANDOWSKAWarsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Materials Science & Engineering, Poland

Fall 19 - Full Conference Program - full_conference_prog.pdf 4 MB
Fall 19 - Final Call for Papers - e-mrs_fall_19_final_call.pdf 2 MB
Fall 19 - postcard - emrs_2019f_postcard.pdf 5 MB
