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Materials sciences for cultural heritage


Cultural heritage and materials science: unveiling the past, inspiring the future

E-MRS hosts the 11th Symposium in a series dedicated to Cultural Heritage (CH) within the Spring Meeting Conferences. The symposium intends to be a platform for scientific knowledge exchange and dynamic dialogue between Europe and the global community, exploring the rich tapestry of our shared heritage.


The societal impact of cultural heritage has sparked significant interest within the scientific community, leading to innovative approaches for preserving our cultural identity. Materials research plays a crucial role in this endeavor by developing strategies and methodologies that explore various aspects related to cultural heritage materials. This includes understanding their properties, historical applications, and uncovering correlations and interactions between materials and their raw origins. Additionally, it involves evaluating compatibility with new and improved materials for qualified interventions on heritage assets. In the face of numerous threats to cultural heritage, detailed diagnostics and appropriate solutions are crucial for its preservation and transmission to future generations.

The 11th Symposium on Cultural Heritage provides a multidisciplinary platform for cutting-edge scientific and technological discussions encompassing all aspects of cultural heritage. International experts from diverse fields such as art, archaeology, ancient technology, materials, conservation, weathering, restoration strategies, climate change, and anthropic pressure will converge to address the pressing challenges facing cultural heritage. By promoting close cooperation among researchers, professionals, students, policy makers, and authorities, the symposium aims to deal with the most relevant issues and explore new pathways that transcend disciplinary boundaries. It will provide updated reflections, share best practices, and disseminate innovative models of Cultural Heritage science, fostering a citizen-centric approach.

This symposium seeks to foster an inclusive role for Cultural Heritage science by embracing diverse perspectives and promoting dialogue, being a collaborative endeavor to unlock the potential of cultural heritage, enrich our understanding, and ensure its enduring legacy for future generations.

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Different CH Materials and methodologies;
  • Conservation and restoration;
  • Sustainability;
  • Climate change impact;
  • Risk assessment;
  • Modelling and theoretical approaches;
  • Multi-scale imaging;
  • Monitoring and remote sensing;
  • Dating and authenticity;
  • Geoarchaeology;
  • Archaeometry;
  • Historical studies;
  • Cultural Tourism and economy.

List of scientific committee members:

  • Jacques Amouroux – ENSCP, Paris, France
  • Emma Angelini – POLITO Turin, Italy
  • Lidia Armelao – DSCTM – CNR, Rome, Italy
  • Anne Bouquillon – C2RMF Paris, France
  • Anne Bourges – C2RMF Paris, France
  • Daniel Caurant - ENSCP, France
  • Marine Cotte – ESRF, Grenoble, France
  • Kostas Demadis – University of Crete, Greece
  • Kaori Fukunaga - National Institute of Information Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan
  • Elisabeta Gianni – ISCR-MIC (Ministry of Culture) Rome, Italy
  • Adam Gibson - UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage, London, UK
  • Rodorico Giorgi – University of Florence/CSGI, France
  • Koen Janssens - University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Pilar Ortiz – Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain
  • Giuseppina Padeletti – CNR, Rome, Italy
  • Josefina Perez-Arentegui – Zaragoza University, Spain
  • Paraskevi Pouli – IESL FORTH, Greece
  • Sara Ronca – Sapienza University Rome, Italy
  • Philippe Sciau – CEMES – CNRS, Toulouse, France
  • Malek Tabbal – American University of Beirut, Lebanon
  • Arianna Traviglia – IIT, Venice, Italy
  • Filippo Ubertini – UNIPG Perugia, Italy
  • João Pedro Veiga – NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Marcia Vilarigues – VICARTE – NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Gilles Wallez - Sorbonne University, France
  • Rita Wiesinger - Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Austria



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Symposium organizers
A. João Pedro VEIGA (Main organizer)Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Department of Conservation and Restoration, Campus de Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

+351 21 2948562
B. Koen JANSSENSUniversity of Antwerp

Department of Physics, Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium
C. Hongjie LUOUniversity of Shanghai

School of Materials Science and Engineering - Institute for the Conservation of Culture Heritage, P. R. China